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  • nudelifestyle

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    Beyond Beauty and plainness

    But as we said earlier, it is not easy to dismantle the whole system of subconscious conditioning that prevents the acceptance of nudity which, among other things, is the salvation and catharsis of the human body and the premise and condition for a new civilization.
    It is, in the words of Erich Fromm -The edifying moment of being as opposed to the disappointing and deceptive moment of having.
    In fact when we are nude we are only the masters of our own body, free from the blinkered dimension into which we have subconsciously fallen. Moreover, being nude changes our attitude towards reality and other people.
    Furthermore there is the important element of recovering an adaptability that the state of nudity allows in situations where the excessive use of clothing has weakened some of our physiological functions, for example the thermoregulatory capacity of the skin.
    Naturist nudism not only recuperates the -unusual- concept of simplicity but has the merit of re-educating human beings by re-elaborating the concept ofbeautiful and ugly by practicing nudity which allows equal dignity to the entire body and even to the parts, such as the genitals, which have been condemned as shameful and ugly. Naturism goes beyond beautiful and ugly because it goes beyond the sexophobic concept oftextile society.
    Naturism allows human beings to rediscover that they are sexual beings and at the same time discover that other people are also sexual beings. Sex defines us and differentiates us, according to the principie of the complementarity of the two sexes because nature has the purpose of perpetuating the species.
    Another merit of naturism is the fact that naturist nudism, by virtue of its capacity to increase and develop the perception of visual conscience disperses the physiological mystery associated with conception and birth (the existential versions of this obviously continue to remain as such). In this sense the educational contribution of naturism is vital, especially within the framework of naturist pedagogy for small children.
    Back to the main theme we can say that, thanks to the practice of nudity the naturist conception regarding the body goes beyond beauty and ugliness because it does not associate the idea of nudity with sex or sex with the idea of coitus because these are the supposition and condition for an objectification and discrimination that lead to the separation of the body into different entities.
    This objectification then differentiates the body into the noble parts (the mind) and the less-than-noble parts (the genitals).
    Naturist nudity goes beyond the concept ofbeautiful and ugly because it considers the body as a holistic entity and as such not merely a sum of its parts. The body is a mystery, but its ontogenesis, with its preestablished and spectacular developmental stages (the fertilized egg, birth, growth, adulthood, deterioration and death) is naturally accepted by naturists and not rejected as it is by those who are not used to seeing the crudeness of the nude body.
    Therefore naturist nudity, going beyond the concept of nude only if young and beautiful- accept the various developmental stages without any sort of repression. And we know that repression means removing, eliminating, even suppressing something that is unpleasant to our conscious mind without comprehending that sooner or later the subconscious wil/ overwhelm us with ali of its explosive force.
    In fact nudity which naturism has laid down as the basic principle of its doctrine is not only a meeting with nature but also a meeting with our
    own unconscious, the day of reckoning of our subconscious with our identity.
    Wilhelm Reich wrote that neuroses manifest in the structures of the personality that are adverse to reality. In other words they are the result of conjlicts between internai and external needs.
    And since the need for nudity is an internai need, we take for granted the conjlict that it causes in the external world which censures this need with a set of cultural, religious and aesthetic pretexts that are encoded as bans.
    The resulting malaise, both psychological and physical, manifests with symptoms that arrive from the field of repressed emotions.
    Reich continues by saying that the outcome of the conjlict is always a judgment of acceptance or condemnation by the criticai self.
    Naturism and repect of people

    Because our bloods are equally red

    He says that the spirit is in the blood, even in just one tiny drop of the blood inside us...

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    In front of David

    In front of David

    In front of nudity all the differences fade away...

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    Naked Philosophy

    What is the sense in wandering around naked?

    Perhaps only listening to non members opinions will it be easier to understand why Naturism in ltaly is still wrapped in a halo of mystery and still a victim of so many reserves...

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    Naturist or Nudist

    Naturist or Nudist

    .Naturism is a philosophy: a different and deeply felt way of being; at least it should be...

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    Hair removal

    Hair removal

    There are certain customs that, though widespread in vast strata of the population, are not seen because they are not given the occasion to become manifest...

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    Sacra san Michele

    Sacra of Saint Michael

    The Sacra di San Michele evokes beauty, charm, and mystery... that mystery that has enveloped it right from its construction.,..

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    Clothing, nudity and naturist mentality

    Clothing, nudity and naturist mentality

    Most people believe that dressing is a necessity that goes beyond protection from the elements, beyond practicality, and beyond the various moments of life. In other words, they use clothes even when there is no need...

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    Nudism: Ecstasy or exaltation?

    Nudism: Ecstasy or exaltation?

    Living in harmony with nature, with ourselves and each other...

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    Nude + 1

    Nude + 1

    More often than not, these turn out to be irresistibly attractive for my visitors...

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    Naturism in Italy

    Naturism in Italy: a few big baby steps

    In Europe and in most of the world as quality tourists who are respectful of their neighbors and the natural environment...

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    Vegetarianism and Naturism

    Vegetarianism appeared in the naturist movement right from the start...

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    Beyond Beauty and plainness

    Beyond Beauty and plainness

    When we are nude we are only the masters of our own body, free from the blinkered dimension into which we have subconsciously fallen...

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    Naturism and Faith

    Naturism and Faith

    You have reached the small but quite area called Filtri...

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    Naturist world

    Naturist world and textile world: two parallel worlds.

    Naturism means reestablishing that contact, and in order for that to occur we need to take back our bodies...

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    Sun Magna Grecia

    Discovery Calabria

    Pizzo Greco naturist camping resort beach included on Ionio Sea...

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    Nudism, a deviance?

    The psychoanalysis for ‘deviance’ is people who deviate from the standards of conduct, from the majority of people, in an ethical and religious way, etc...

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    Donna Uomo e naturismo

    The experiences of male and female naturists

    The word nature derives from  ‘NASCOR’, which, in addition to being born, stands for ‘that what becomes’...

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    naturist holidays

    Did you have a good naturist vacation?

    Today naturist sites are clearly better equipped...

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    Natural nudity

    Natural nudity

    With nudity I find not only the body I have (under my clothes) but the body I am...

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    Nature and Nudism

    Nature and Nudism: One Dimension

    We often hear talk of the nature dimension and the relationship between nature and human activities...

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    Naturism in Sardegna

    History and Culture nearby Turin

    Spend your naturist holiday at LE BETULLE and you can visit...

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    Turin Italy

    The History of Turin

    Spend your naturist holiday at LE BETULLE and you can visit...

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    come to LE BETULLE

    Ways of Naturism

    We are all naturists and consider ourselves more than just nudists: we love nature, we respect our bodies and respect other people...

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    Naturist Day

    June 7 World Naturist Day

    An appeal to the italian Ministry of Tourism: are you interested in receiving 60 million tourists?...

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    Paleo-Naturism and Naturist Palingenesis

    When discussing paleo-naturism we must take into consideration historical naturism which many people believe is old-fashioned...

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    The unacceptance of normality

    The unacceptance of normality

    We feel it is essential to discuss the idea of normality in a world where being -normal- seems to have become a defect and not a merit...

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    Vritomartis Naturist Resort

    The ethics of food and nudism

    The older generations know the ethics of food because they ate what they needed and did not waste anything...

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    Camp Full Monte – A Short Story

    We moved to Montenegro in May 2006 after visiting a friend...

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    Symbols, embellishments, mystifications

    Returning to the issue of the tattoos/piercings, I am reminded...

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    In remember of Daniele Agnoli

    In remember of Daniele Agnoli

    For Italian naturists he represented, and will continue to repre¬sent, a touchstone for our movement...

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    Taboo - Nudity

    In the introduction to the documentary, however, it was stated right from the start that in Western society the human body...

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