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    Weeks left until the World Naturist Convention 2010 organized by the INF-FNI in Calabria on the island of Capo Rizzuto in the province of Crotone at the Camping Village Club PIZZO GRECO. The idea to hold the Convention in Italy has been considered for a long time, but only in 2005 did FENAIT and PIZZO GRECO find the courage to commit themselves. It was accepted and ratified at the World Convention 2008 in Brazil at TAMBABA. The Brazilian Federation (FBN) passed us the baton. What is it and what do we do with it? These were the first questions we asked ourselves. Today some of the first ideas have already become a reality at Pizzo Greco: A magnificent gathering of mobile homes worthy of the best European naturist facilities was realized.
    It will host the delegates of the 30 federations attending the Convention and will certainly be appreciated by the naturists who go on vacation at Pizzo Greco. In the meantime, meetings were held to plan the organization of the Convention. The first meeting dates back to May 2009 and it was attended by representatives of Pizzo Greco and the Italian Federation; the second meeting was held in June in Turin and was attended by the representatives of the International Federation, which is organizing the upcoming Convention. Lastly, in September the definitive meeting was held at Pizzo Greco with the participation of the supervisors of INF-FNI, PIZZO GRECO and FENAIT. During that meeting the economic and organizational commitments were countersigned. In the meantime news of the convention has spread amongst Italian naturists; after the first reactions of curiosity and enthusiasm, we saw an unambiguous desire to participate. Among the various comments we heard that how the Convention will raise awareness about Italian nature is. And what are the associations doing? They are working to make the Convention become participative and interesting. Infected during the last meeting of the CD FENAIT in March a work group was set up which has already made concrete proposals. Considering that the Convention is a work. For the delegates of the Federation, that the issues discussed will be in some cases very specific and that, though one can attend, not everyone can intervene directly, here is the idea: organize alongside the Convention roundtables which can be attended by everyone who registers. Then the possibility to speak will be guaranteed. The roundtables will be guided by the Association of supervisors and the delegates and supervisors of the Central INF-FNI Committee will also be invited. Here are some of the issues proposed which are being examined by the associations: 1. Coexistence between ethical naturism and commercial naturism (why become a member - naturism from the point of view of naturist facilities - the purposes of the Federation and the associations - spontaneous groups/self-organized groups - Internet communities); 2. Naturism and vegetarianism (what does it mean to be a vegetarian - why should one become a vegetarian - the effects of factory farming on the environment and on our health); 3. The naturist experience seen by men and by women: discussing and determining the possible differences in gender in terms of the way one approaches and experiences naturism. 4. Young people in the naturist world. 5. Diversity in the naturist world: the definition of the absolute concept of beautiful/ugly, with respect to diversity intended as different sexual orientation, otherly-abled persons), age differences, different appearances (piercings and tattoos). 6. Naturism as an instrument for getting to know oneself and others -- how do you relate to your own nudity -- overcoming the competitive model and promoting the cooperative model. 7. Naturist tourism in Italy, an opportunity for development! -- Comparing experiences in Italy with those in the rest of Europe. 8. Naturism and the case of stereotypes versus reality, how to manage relations with the mass media - examples of proper/ improper representation of naturism to the public. 9. How to approach the greater public to spread the naturist concept. These are interesting topics and overall they demonstrate the extent to which the naturist philosophy can be disseminated. And let us also remember the existing bibliography about our movement. So the Convention promises to be lively and interesting. I hope many of you will be celebrating this moment that will make us feel united to each other and to all the naturists coming from other countries. Further updates will be published in the next issue of INFONaturista. To express our thanks to Camping “Pizzo Greco”, the entire staff and everyone who collaborated for the success of the event.

      It all started as a joke

      "Sergio, why don't we hold the World Congress in Italy... at Pizzo Greco?"- We were driving to Utrecht, it was January of 2005.
      "Why not?" Sergio replied.
       Hey, really! When do we propose it to the President of the INF?- The response to our proposal was positive.
      So now we should tell Domenico and Mario-. "Of course".
      They were perplexed, but after a bit they were enthused by the idea. -But we have to do lots of things, we have to prepare places to sleep, a meeting room and... what about the meals?... for meals there is no problem: in Calabria there's plenty of good food!- The adventure had started: -Organizing the First World Naturist Congress in ITALY-. At the Congress in Spain in 2006 the venue chosen for the next Congress in 2008 was Brazil.
      Our candidacy was presented again in Brazil and was accepted. So we started organizing the 2010 Congress and we had to have it ready in two years. Sergio and I were really happy! But we were not the only ones, Pizzo Greco, the FENAIT and INFFNI. The first meetings with Cor, Gianfranco, Sergio, Andrea: how do we go about it!? Then the definitive meeting was held in Pizzo Greco in September in 2009: Cor came with Nancy who has the ability to focus on what needs to be done with a lucidity and conciseness; and Micol is a reliable secretary who carefully takes the minutes of the decisions and is capable of translating them in a short time, while Luisa, Rosita, Lele, Sergio and Gianfranco participated actively at the meetings; simultaneously Domenico, Mario and Anna, watched over us to make sure we had everything we needed during that week of work while it was raining buckets outside. -It had not rained so much in years-! We took the necessary decisions and today we can say that they have been fully implemented and respected.
      The Congress is over. There were 22 countries present. There were also the municipal, provincial and regional authorities at the opening and to show their respect and care about our movement and their appreciation of PIZZO GRECO, an important resort for the Calabria region. The works of the Congress produced very positive results for future projections and solved the initial doubts about strategies for European naturism.
      The organization set up by PIZZO GRECO was delighted us. Nothing was overlooked, from the magnificent spectacular decorations of the hall, abounding in all the different colors of the flags of the various countries, to the Convention Hall itself which was huge, functional and welcoming. And let's not forget the delicious local cuisine which fully satisfied everyone with the flavors of the Calabria region. The thing that struck me the most is that the staff on duty during the Congress was always positive in every circumstance, focused towards the result.
      They were always smiling and willing to help.


      During the WORLD NATURIST CONGRESS INF FNI we will discuss the motions or fourth by many of the 30 federations that will be attending. To improve the event we decided to set up ROUNDTABLES next to the Congress Hall so we can discuss certain subjects from the Italian naturist perspective. The roundtables will be conducted by exponents of Italian naturism. Below you will find guidelines for the discussions that will be held.

      NATURISM AND VEGETARIANISM Roundtable conducted by Alessandro Perucci
      The purpose of this gathering is to outline vegetarianism within naturist philosophy, exploring together the fundamental concepts underlying the decision to become an vegetarian, leaving each participant the freedom to examine all the aspects of such a vast and complex issue. We will start the discussion with a brief introduction on the validity of associating naturism with vegetarianism; we will then give a few historical examples and examine the position of the FENAIT on this issue.
      Then we will further examine the definition of vegetarianism, giving an overview of the main types of vegetarians and explain how vegetarianism has spread throughout Italy. We will take a look at the various reasons people choose to become vegetarian, i.e. ethical, ecological and health.
      The decision to become vegetarian is often based on the respect for other forms of life, the harmful pressure of humans on the environment and the benefits that can be obtained by limiting one's consumption of animal protein. We will also examine the reasons given by those who are against the decision to become a vegetarian, briefly the human need for a diet containing complex foods, necessarily including foods of animal origin, and the risks of a poor diet during certain stages of human life, e.g. the formative years and pregnancy. We do not want to hold a lesson on this issue but rather develop a discussion with the public to compare ideas and experiences without taking a staunch position in favor of or against vegetarianism.
      In fact the choice to become a vegetarian is a personal decision that first and foremost requires knowledge of a series of notions... just like naturism does. Depending on how much time we have, and the interest shown by the public, the discussion can have a followup focused on the critical consumption of goods and services.
      This approach would be based on considerations similar to those of vegetarianism to give naturists other useful elements to make informed decisions about how to behave as a conscientious citizen instead of a mere consumer.

      ETHICAL NATURISM AND COMMERCIAL NATURISM Roundtable conducted by Andrea Contini
      Real naturists, those who intend and live naturism not only as exterior nudity but as a way of thinking and a lifestyle, seek a way of life that is more in harmony with nature and its cycles, harmony that the world of work and city life have brought further and further away from us. What do we mean by a naturist lifestyle? It is a naturism that does not stop when the vacation is over, or after a pause for relaxation. It continues even when we are dressed, promoting by one's example, lifestyles and consumption styles that are more ecocompatible than those commonly advocated.
      One thing that is extremely important is that the true naturist sustains and promotes naturism by joining official naturist associations to make this lifestyle and philosophy more widely known, practiced and shared. But the evolution of the past three years is witnessing, not only in naturism but in general, a sort of crisis in the mentality of associations and we are seeing more naturists of the “eat and run” type. They use the centers and/or naturist sites as a resort or a beach like any other. Here is the first point to think about: what do naturists seek today?
      Organized Naturism is over 60 years old (the INF/FNI was founded in Montalivet, France, in 1953). Societal trends have obviously affected naturism: from the faith and the future of the 1950s to the utopias of the 1960s and the conflicts and backlashes of the 1970s, the hedonism of the 1980s, the globalism of the 1990s and finally to the identity crisis of the last decade.
      Within our federations we are seeing the tendency of naturists who no longer join associations or established clubs or naturist sites but go spend their vacations at naturist centers that have become resorts (in France, Spain, Croatia, and the USA). The two systems have always coexisted but the latter form, i.e. resorts, are starting to become predominant: when earlier I spoke about the crisis of associations in naturism I was referring specifically to the phenomenon of naturists no longer joining clubs and their exodus to naturist resorts, especially to the large ones with amenities.
      There is a new breed of naturists, different from those of past decades; the naturists of the past sought to build something together, with a group of people who shared the same idea. Does this mean that the essence of naturism or the naturist ethic has changed?
      Naturism is a way of living in harmony with nature and practicing nudity in a group for the purpose of fostering respect for self and others as well as the surrounding environment. For 36 years this has been the official definition of naturism.
      A definition that is still valid. We can add that it is a way of living that is healthy, educational and ethical. What do we mean by ethical and what do we mean by naturist ethic?
      By ethics (from the Greek word ethos= rules of life) we mean everything concerning the practical behavior of human beings when faced with the concept of good and evil.
      The naturist ethic adheres to the principles and rules established by the INF/FNI, connected to the practice of fullbodied nudism in a group.
      These rules govern the behaviors associated with the practice of full-bodied nudism in a group. In fact those who do not respect the rules have their INF/FNI cards taken away; these cards allow access to official naturist facilities all over the world. What are the practical behaviors through which naturists respect and/or do not respect these rules?
      The development of organized naturism during almost 60 years attracted millions of people of different cultures, nationalities and ages and generated various types of awareness and behaviors. The strict observance of the naturist ethic is easier in a small community such as naturist clubs or in nations where the concept of naturism is more socially and historically accepted (e.g. in Germany numerous public parks have naturist areas; in Denmark naturism is allowed by law on all beaches). However it is not so easy to maintain in places where a business-only principle exists, where the values of naturism have been trampled upon (e.g. Cap d’Agde in France or Monsena in Croatia), giving rise to behaviors and mentalities that create confusion about the naturist identity inthe mass media and public opinion, often making naturism seen to be something that it is not.
      How can we reconcile the practical behaviors of genuine naturists and neo-naturists or those whose mentalities are close to naturism but who are not yet ready to practice nudity in a group setting.
      At this point we have to ask ourselves if today's naturists are the same as those of yesterday. The naturism of the first centers 60 years ago in Europe and 40 years ago in Italy witnessed a unity among naturists toward a preferred type of naturism with shared rules and behaviors.
      This sharing developed a sense of brotherhood and cooperation among these groups: this spirit of brotherhood and cooperation laid the foundations of the associations and national federations, like the Italian federation. Today, as stated earlier, as naturist practice has expanded, there has been and continues to be a fragmentation of the "model naturists".
      There is still the naturist of yesterday but these naturists have been overlapped by others, less ideological than the orthodox naturists. In fact they possibly stop at the nudist aspect of naturism.
      What is the difference between the nudist and the naturist?
      We could say that the first difference is intrinsic and important: while nudists limit themselves to the more exterior and hedonist aspect of naturism, conceiving it not as an ethical-ecological practice of social gathering, naturists feel it is fundamental to practice nudity with others, making it a social and socializing nudity, i.e. not a point of arrival but a point of departure, one reason being the other ethicalecological considerations.
      Does this difference lead to different behaviors between nudists and naturists?
      Today it is important that naturist behavior, ethically naturist according to the definitions given so far, be an example to those who are approaching it for the first time, as neophyte naturists or merely as nudists. We naturists are, even unconsciously, and must be daily examples for neophytes and for those who believe they will find in naturism behaviors that do not belong to naturism. But we must not close ourselves indignantly in a sort of ivory tower.
      Another reason for remaining open is that it is in our interest to help naturist practice expand more and more in naturist places and centers and to make these places hospitable, wellorganized, etc.
      But here experience has taught us that there can be a dichotomy, a fork in the road; not always do naturist principles and the entrepreneurial needs of the centers go hand-in-hand. How can we combine the naturist behaviors with the entrepreneurial needs of the commercial naturist centers?
      NATURISM AND ECOLOGY Roundtable conducted by Carlo Alberto Castellani
      Naturism was born in Germany and France in the period between the end of the 1800s and the beginning of the 1900s when the nascent industrial civilization started made it difficult for human beings to maintain contact with nature and its rhythms. In contrast to modern lifestyles imposed by consumer society, early naturism proposed a return to lifestyles that were closer to nature through the culture of the body and the practice of nudity in groups.
      The very definition of Naturism, formulated in 1974 at the International Convention of Cap d’Adge, says that “it is a way of living in harmony with nature; moreover most of the major naturist associations have memorandums of association with explicit references to the protection of nature, animals and vegetation.
      After all, in order for it to be practiced outdoors there must be a sound natural environment that one wants to belong to. Therefore the close cultural affinity between naturism and ecology would seem to be a given, since both share the inspiring value of respecting nature and therefore protecting nature. In daily practice however things do not seem to go this way: except in rare cases, the naturist movement seems indifferent or at least extraneous to the cultural debate over the environment and its protection, while it usually does not share with ecological associations the battle to defend nature; symptomatically, at least in Italy, association by the Ministry of the Environment.
      All of this seems to express a huge contradiction within the naturist movement which perhaps determines one of the causes of its insufficient roots in current society. This roundtable therefore sets out to open a discussion on this issue to share experiences of the naturist movement in Europe and throughout the world and pose the question of what should be the proper relationship between naturism and ecology, especially in view of the ecological crisis that is destroying the planet; what is the cultural contribution that naturism intends to bring to this delicate debate and what relationship will naturism want to establish in a society that is increasingly afflicted by ecological issues?
      The workshop sets out to create a space for participants to ponder and exchange experiences to look at the reasons that lead a woman or a man to practice nudism. The purpose of this is to provide arguments against those who in Italian society, and elsewhere, are still wary of and sometimes openly hostile to the practice of nudism/naturism.
      Some of these people go so far as to compare naturism to perverse behavior that offends the common sense of modesty or generates uncontrollable and dangerous sexual stimuli.
      This is something that any naturist knows is untrue. We start from the premise that some motives are absolutely the same for women as for men, motives that we all share because we've experienced them and they have been described in articles and books (and therefore we can confirm them at the beginning of the workshop by way of the facilitators of what we intend to be a focus group).
      Then an open and sincere discussion will be encouraged between the participants to bring out their motivations, this time no longer common to both sexes but peculiar to women or men. These motivations are rarely expressed and sometimes cause misunderstandings and produce stereotypes.
      The function of the two moderators, Simona and Elio, will be to create a climate in which it is possible to express oneself while suspending judgment on what others say, letting such self-expression of ideas and gender differences be expressed without inhibition. These differences will inevitably emerge, due to the genetic, physical, psychological and cultural differences that characterize males and females.
      This exercise will allow us to make a small, modest but important contribution to a better mutual understanding and acceptance between the two sexes. In fact for naturists the relation between new persons is extremely relaxing and reassuring. Nudity, as pointed out by a naturist friend who we met during the last edition of Alpe Adria, is that “mental state that allows people to look each other in the eyes" and do without superstructures and cultural conditioning, serving only to masquerade reality and create false modesty.
      This is then transformed into profitable commercial products. The real question to pose "textiles" is this: what is the rational reason for "covering up" in conditions where "clothing" no longer serves a natural function of protecting against hostile natural elements (e.g. cold, bad weather, heat, etc.).
      From the workshop we can derive an article for publication, reporting the experience of the workshop and its results.

    • 32° World Naturist Congress - Press notes on Elisabetta Zamparutti - Read more...

      "I appreciate the choice of Italy as the venue for the 32nd World Naturism Congress because it is also an opportunity for our country to decide to be a little bit more European and little bit less provincial. We find ourselves too often having to go abroad to exercise freedom, for example the freedom of healthcare, an issue radicals have been particularly dedicated to, but also the practice of naturism".
      "There are many reasons that led me to present the bill “ .
      Provisions for acknowledging and regulating the practice of naturism”:
      one is the opportunities it offers in the way of tourism, a big source of revenue that has always avoided our country;
      another is the need to fill a legislative gap that makes us the caboose of Europe regarding laws on naturism and nudism, the latter being part of naturism.
      The most important reason of all is the desire to promote ways to achieve a balance with nature, which is what naturism is all about. As in all forms and manifestations of nonviolence, something about naturism causes fear in some people.
      They want to get rid of it because it is extraneous to a world that commits violence, coercive relationships, the strong point of our society. On the contrary, naturism, by the definition you give it in your congress manifesto, helps foster forms of coexistence in the spirit of harmony with ourselves and with the world we live in.
      And this is the prospect of a future society that is truly civilized". "I am convinced that your Congress will engender important points of view for the continuation of our shared battle and this is why I would like to wish you success and enjoyment in your work here". Who is: Elisabetta Zamparutti Radical Deputy on the Commission for the Environment.
      Born in Cermes (BZ) 1 October 1964 Holds a Degree in Jurisprudence; Party Leader, Treasurer of the Italian Radicals and the Association 'Nessuno tocchi Caino' Elected in the XXII constituency (Basilicata) Proclaimed on 23 April 2008 Election validated on 18 December 2008 Registered in the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party since 05/05/2008

    • On the sidelines of the 32nd World Naturist Congress To express our thanks to Camping Pizzo Greco - Read more...

      32nd WORLD NATURIST CONGRESS INF-FNI On the sidelines of the 32nd World Naturist Congress To express our thanks to Camping “Pizzo Greco”, the entire staff and everyone who collaborated for the success of the event.
      We have participated in all the previous congresses, and they were all great. we have no criticisms whatsoever, and nor is it our position to criticize.
      Thus said, this was the first Congress in Italy and it was organized by PIZZO GRECO, the INF-FNI and the FENAIT, and we would like to point out that it was impeccable in every way, from the organization to the active participation of everyone read and if we can add to all of this E. atmosphere of convivial serenity and friendship, which are the foundation of all the relationships between people in the naturist world, the desire to have a cultural exchange between the representatives of the federations from all over the world, the diligent pragmatism that served well in solving the problems we encounter as naturists, we have a template of how fruitful the 32nd World Naturist Congress at PIZZO GRECO was and we owe them our sincere gratitude. We have to show, first and foremost, our appreciation for all the staff of the campsite for their kindness and thoughtfulness towards everyone, the Congress goers congressisti and everyone else.
      The Italian and foreign guests here were always assisted and served optimally, from the most banal needs to the difficult work of communication, by using the three official languages spoken during the work, French, English and German. Services were remarkably efficient and we would like to give special thanks to the beach snack bar and the camping , to the DJ Nick of Bari who with Mimmo and his daughter gladdened our evenings with their music.
      Finally another dutiful commendation plauso for the two excursions organized, one to visit Santa Severina and the other to visit Le Castella, organized fashion for the Congress participants. per i partecipanti al congresso. Santa Severina is a shrine situated in the Piccola Sila, while at Le Castella revisited the Castello Aragonese; in that area is the little island of Ogigia where the goddess Calipso allegedly detained Ulysses for a long time.
      The city of Isola Capo Rizzuto, where the PIZZO GRECO campsite is located, was founded by the Japigi (a people originating from North Africa in the vicinity of ancient Carthage) is a tourist resort situated about 20 km from Crotone and 4 km from the seaside. It is part of an area that has a lot of history and culture (Magna Grecia). It has very ancient origins, dating back to around 1200 BCE. Contended for by Rome and Taranto, it was the object of a peace treaty in 304 B.C.E. During the second Punic war (208-202 B.C.E..) It is said that Hannibal, being chased by the Roman armies, had a fortified military camp ice belt air and the watchtower that stood where the mighty Aragonese monument now stands. The name Isola Capo Rizzuto is curious because it is not an island, since it is not completely surrounded by water.
      Scholars have come up with three hypotheses, one positing that it was born on the vernacularization of the Latin word “Asyla” (asylum = safe place), which became -isola-. So being together at the Camping “Pizzo Greco”, as part of the 32nd World Naturist Congress was unforgettable from all points of view, as well as a perfidious experience for Italian naturism because the Congress allowed us to make a good impression on the naturist world, as mentioned by the press with its daily news broadcasts that gave attention to this important event.

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