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    Situated on the northern most latitude of the Canary Islands, only 140 km from the African coast, Lanzarote enjoys a pleasantly springlike climate ali year long with an average temperature of 21°C.
    Its enigmatic and mysterious landscape was mostly formed by the lava of volcanic eruptions from the 18th and 19th centuries.
    Between the more than 100 volcanoes scattered throughout the territory there are petrified rivers and lava flatlands that alternate with vast expanses of golden sand, dunes, inlets, and pools of crystal-clear water. Or you might prefer the choppy sea, with its high and low cliffs.
    An interminable magic of contrasts make this island a unique environment that is respected and protected. In fact Lanzarote was awarded by the UNESCO, which recognized the pro tection of its environment by its inhabitants and conferred its the title of Biosphere Reserve which further underscores its uniqueness.
    Most of these acknowledgments are partially due to the contribution of artist César Manrique (1919 - 1992), who painted singular and evocative landscapes perfectly "in character" with the surrounding nature.
    Not only did he succeed in putting an end to unrestrained building speculation, but he also started weaving a delicate relationship with the island environment so that the inhabitants of Lanzarote would become completely aware of its memory, its poetry, its traditions and the immense value of its pure and spontaneous beauty.
    Today over 80% of the island is protected, including 13 reserves of great ornithological, marine, volcanological and botanical interest. The peculiarity of the mild climate makes visits to this island pleasant, especially in winter when there is less tourism pressure, making it possible to fully appreciate the magic of these places of astonishing beauty.
    Opportunities to practice naturism are extremely widespread, if we consider that ali over Spain the practice of nudism is common and even promoted. The loveliest and most evocative beaches are in the south of the islands. In particular in the municipality of Yaiza, near Playa Bianca, you will find the Parco Naturale of Ajaches which you can enter with your car with the payment of a small entrance fee (3 euro). Driving along a dirt road you can reach many fantastic beaches.
    On my recent visit i discovered that the historical Beach of Papagayo, which has always been naturist, has recently changed and has now become the preferred destination of people who wear bathing suits. On the upside, almost ali the other beaches, especially to the east of the Punta are just as appealing and are designated to naturists who constantly arrive From every corner of Europe.
    From the Port of Playa Bianca you can embark, even with your car, on fast ferries to visit Fuerteventura: in about 15 minutes you will reach the Port of Corralejo. Here, as soon as you leave the town, you find yourself immersed in endless sunny beaches with extremely fine sand of variegated colors.
    The beaches stretch out, often as far as the timid volcanic mountains on the one side and the crystal azure of the ocean on the other side. Going back to Lanzarote, again in the municipality of Yaiza, a must visit is certainly the Parco Nazionale di TimanJaya where the aggressiveness of the volcano that burned the earth for years has remained extraordinarily unchanged.
    Vìsiting the Park you have the disquieting impression that you are watching the genesis of a planet that was turned upside down and fashioned by tongues of fire: the many volcanoes, now spends, seemed to stand like sentinels on the landscape where 180 different species of plants grow. Just imagine that 10m below the ground the temperature reaches 600°C.
    Inside the Park you will find to the study center and restaurant "EI Diablo ".
    You can go off on trails with the exotic caravan of camels or take an interesting bus excursion along the "road of the volcanoes". There are many other attractions that make the island of Lanzarote a tourist destination that offers the perJect balance between natural beauty and the infrastructure you need for a pleasant stay. In the north, near Mala, stands the smalliocality of Charco del Palo.
    The entire area is declared officially naturist and here you will find plenty of apartments, houses, villas and complexes to rent for your naturist vacation. Arrecife, the capital of Lanzarote, is the nerve center of the island and its airport connects to ali of the major European cities.
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    Lanzarote - Canary Islands

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    Black Sea

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    Isola d'Elba naturista

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    Naturism in Sardegna

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    Turin Italy

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    Vritomartis Naturist Resort

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