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  • naturismwhere

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    Discovery Calabria

    Discovery Calabria is a web based communication project that brings together various partners in order to communicate a never seen Calabria, a region in Southern Italy that tourists don’ t expect to find. Everything is played on double meaning of nudism to communicate the need to undress himself from the prejudices and stereotypes to see and enjoy a modern Calabria but natural at the same time.

    Calabria where the tourist doesn’ t only find the clichés as red hot chillies, ‘ nduja sausage, sleepy elders sitting on the sidewalk, pastors and mobsters, but also accommodations and facilities for niche tourism, and… sparkling wine produced by local companies.

    THE FILM Shooted in October 2014, the short film “ The Calabria you don’t expect tells about a couple of young people travelling in Calabria: a student of anthropology, and her friend, an assistant professor that acts as girl’s tutor. Is Mark that suggests the hypothesis of the Martine’ s thesis for the bachelor: go in a region in the Southern Italy where people are considered backward and reluctant to the new costumes and to appear naked in public and around to record and study the inhabitants’ reactions.

    But at the end of the trip will be a surprise…
    For more information about DISCOVERY CALABRIA project, please visit: http://www.discoverycalabria.com.

    Vacations in Corsica

    Vacations in Corsica

    I Found a group of young people who were well assorted and well-organized...

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    Leuchtemburg naturist club

    Leuchtemburg: our little paradise

    The naturism Club Leuchtenburg mostly consists families and consequently the lacilities and organization of the camp are basic but lunctional to these needs...

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    Vera Playa

    Vera Playa

    Vera Playa on the Costa Almeria in south-east Spain has a warm, dry near desert climate...

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    From Catalonia to Turin

    From Catalonia to Turin

    Our friendship is constantly held in our memories and will live on in our hearts along with the steadfast promise to meet again. The next time at our house, they will be the guests and we want to match their level of hospitality...

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    Beach of Regina Giovanna

    Naturist Beach Beach of Regina Giovanna

    South italy beach Capo di Sorrento Campania Naples...

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    Vera Playa

    Naturism in Friuli Venezia Giulia

    You have reached the small but quite area called Filtri...

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    Lanzarote - Canary Islands

    UNESCO conferred its the title of Biosphere Reserve which further underscores its uniqueness...

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    Naturist Club Parco del Gargano

    Naturist Club Parco del Gargano

    Naturism in Puglia, Parco del Gargano campsite is once again a great choice for your naturist vacation...

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    Black Sea

    VAMA NATUR Naturism on the Black Sea

    Vama Natur is a naturist club born from the idea of founding members to enjoy naturism at liberty in the seaside resort of Vama Veche...

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    Isola d'Elba naturista

    Elba Island. New Naturist Official Beach

    Acquarilli, first naturist beach, Capoliveri Elba Island

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    Naturism in Sardegna

    Naturism in Sardinia

    Free naturism was the easiest thing in the world, even during the high season...

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    Pantelleria says yes to naturism Report

    This result makes it proud Official Italian Naturist movement...

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    Naturism in Sardegna

    History and Culture nearby Turin

    Spend your naturist holiday at LE BETULLE and you can visit...

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    laguna del mort

    Close the beach of Laguna del Mort

    For the future, the only one still standing hypothesis is that of building a naturist village in the Pineta, but with a load of private investment...

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    Turin Italy

    The History of Turin

    Spend your naturist holiday at LE BETULLE and you can visit...

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    Sun Magna Grecia

    Discovery Calabria

    Pizzo Greco naturist camping resort beach included on Ionio Sea...

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    Naturism in Malta

    Naturism in Malta

    Before leaving for Malta we had got in touch online with a local naturist who gave us some indications...

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    40 years of VALALTA

    Anniversary party at the VALALTA naturist campsite...

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    Swimm Naturist

    Spring meeting FENAIT

    Will European naturist swimmers to participate in the GALA SWIMMING INF 2016....

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    Swimm Naturist

    FENAIT wants to be stronger

    This title concisely expresses the determination of the FENAIT Steering Committee...

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    Naturism in Sardegna

    What a beautifull day

    What a beautiful experience! What a marvelous place, impeccable organization, delicious meals, nice hot weather and an absolutely fun time...

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    Vritomartis Naturist Resort

    Vritomartis Naturist Resort

    we visited the naturist Hotel Vritomartis on the island of Crete...

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    Journey at Guvano

    Our group organized a gathering on the beach of Guvano, near Corniglia - Liguria.

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